Women´s Space - Kvinde du er i centrum!Kundalini Yoga kun for kvinder.
NIveau 1-5 (alle).
Få mere glæde, vitalitet, fokus og overskud i din hverdag med Kundalini Yoga.
Kundalini Women´s Space er et unikt feminint forum med plads til fremme alle dine kvindelige kvaliteter.
Gennem Kundalini Yoga vil dit naturlige energi flow øges, din krop, nervesystem og hormoner balanceres og styrkes. Du trænes i at centreres og lytte indad med bevidste åndedræt, at leve dit maksimale, powerfyldte, vitale, kærlige og ærlige kvinde liv. Kom og find ind til dit fulde potentiale og nyd Yoga værktøjer som kan støtte dig fra måtten og videre ud i dit daglige liv.
I Kundalini Yoga anvendes fysiske kropsøvelser, meditation, mantra, og åndedrætsteknikker der effektivt aktiverer kroppens energisystemer og øger kroppens naturlige energi flow. Kroppens nervesystem og kirtelsystem afbalanceres og effekten har en udrensende, vitaliserende og helende virkning der styrker krop og sind.
”Transform yourself and change the world”.
Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.
Der undervises på dansk eller engelsk efter behov.
Women´s Space - Woman you are in the center!Kundalini yoga for women only.
Suitable for all levels.
Obtain more joy, vitality, focus and energy in your everyday life with Kundalini Yoga.
Kundalini Women's Space is a unique feminine forum with room to promote all your female qualities.
Through Kundalini Yoga your natural energy flow will increase, your body, nervous system and hormones balanced and strengthened. You are trained to be centered and listen inwards with conscious breathing, living your maximum, powerful, vital, loving and honest woman live. Come and tap into your full potential and enjoy Yoga tools, that can support you from the mat and on into your daily life.
Kundalini Yoga uses physical body exercises, meditation, mantra, and breathing techniques that effectively activates the body's energy systems and increases the body's natural energy flow. The body's nervous system and glandular system is balanced and the effect has a cleansing, invigorating and healing effect that strengthens the body and mind.
''Transform yourself and change the world''.
Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan.
There is taught in Danish or English as required.
PRICE NOTE:The price below is for one time without using punchcards at all. One punch on a punchcard is cheaper.
See the prices for punches and your balance if you are logged in